A family’s story: Arredo Still is born
In 1965, Alberto Zanoletti, who was already working for an artisan from Brianza, started attending evening classes of furniture drawing. This turned out to be crucial to develop his talent and his fascination for design, his true passion. Driven by his entrepreneurial attitude and strongly supported by his wife Mery, in 1975 he opens up a laboratory in Clusone. This will soon become the first showcase for his artifacts.
In 1981 he buys a portion of land in Sant’Alberto (Parre) where he builds the new company headquarter. The name ARREDO STIL was not given by chance. In fact, Alberto was visionary in thinking about how to create new ways to inhabit homes. His signature solutions offer a unique and inimitable style.
Within a couple of years, the property enlarges multiple times. Including the laboratory, the warehouse, the office and the showroom that was opened in 1999, the company has a surface area of 2.500 sq.m.

In 2001 Alberto’s three children, who were already active in the company beforehand, now join the company officially, managing different tasks. Sabrina is the designer, Germana is in charge of the administration office, and Lucio leads the production and the installation departments. The enterprise is constantly expanding. This is due to both the acquisition of new technologies and tools, and to the digitalization of the production processes
In 2010, the company installs a new administration and designing software. This enables the company to simplify and streamline
the working time, as well as, to enhance the communication between the warehouse and the production department.
Our expertise is based on an endless desire for new knowledge. Hence, our participation in refresher courses, trade fairs, and events, is vital to cultivate the sensitivity that allows us to interpret the market‘s trends. This is possible by creating original styles that offer personalized and tangible answers, without giving up on quality.
Today, years after, our dedication to research and to create the perfect space is still strong and alive.